Tuesday 11 June 2013

They love their Daddy because...

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Fantastic Father's Day freebie!

If you follow my page over on Facebook, you might have seen that I've shared a fab midweek make over there for you to do with the children in the run-up to Father's Day this coming Sunday.

This time last year, our children were 4, 2 and 4 months, I was bang in the middle of my maternity leave, and The Husband had thankfully started picking up some really regular freelance jobs after a pretty dark period of being out of work for a few months. Still, money was very tight as we tried to pick up the pieces, and I was limited to how much extra work I could do while receiving Maternity Allowance.

What do you do when you need to magic a present out of thin air? I have a friend who draws like a fine artist, despite her self-deprecating protests, and she sketches portraits or caricatures to give as presents. My sister bakes like a dream and she's known to gift me the most beautiful carrot cake *ever* for my birthday. If I could, I might write a poem or paint someone's nails! I guess for a lady, I might have made something like a bag or even had a stab at an apron, but The Husband does very little shopping and even less cooking! ;)

I asked the biggies why they loved their Daddy, and when they told me, their answers were so beautiful that I had to do something with them. This is what came of it: 

I popped everything into MS Publisher, added a pop of colour and a cheeky bit of justification to appeal to his designer's eye, printed it on photo paper and popped it in a frame from the bargain section at Wilkinson's. Okay, so it made me a bit of a cheapskate, but it took time and a truckload of love - two things we had much more of than cold hard cash.
When he opened his present on Father's Day, I don't think The Husband could have been more pleased. Plus there were tears, and we all know that happy tears ring the winners' bell every time! The framed piece has stood on the drawers in our dining area ever since. We all love it.

If you fancy doing this for the Daddy in your own life, you can download the template here: http://www.hopstitchjump.co.uk/They-love-their-Daddy-because-template.pub

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